Category Archives: in Japanese

Apart but Together online concert

Libera did the first ever online concert on 6th June as a concert at Ely Cathedral was postponed due to the pandemic. You all have definitely watched it already, yeah? ;D

When the Moose tweeted, I was sure they would be doing an online performance but wasn’t expecting that much – I thought it would be one or two songs like many people have done during the lockdown.

Well, my guess was wrong, which means very happy this time. 48 boys participated in, including 8 mini boys as well as 9 older boys! And they sang 6 songs then showed extra scenes of how they were doing in the lockdown too! What a surprise! :D

1. Total Praise
2. Deep Peace
3. O For the Wings
4. Ave Maria (Schubert)
5. Smile
6. Joyful Joyful

1. Alexander Gula
2. Benedict Bywater
3. Neo Parson
4. Samuel-Francis Collins
5. Tadhg Fitzgerald
6. Taichi Shinokubo
7. Mathias Montoro
8. Nathaniel Bates-Fisher
9. Alexandre Menuet
10. Joseph Cranitch
11. Koji Shinokubo
12. Laurence Taylor
13. Oliver Watt-Rodriguez
14. Victor Wiggin
15. Calam Tamana
16. Daniel White
17. Jack Spicha
18. Johnny Gardner
19. Dominik Clarke
20. Felipe Jackson
21. Frederick Mushrafi
22. Laurence Davey
23. Luca Brugnoli
24. Luke Batteson Dalpiaz
25. Cameron Birmingham
26. Lewis Quinn
27. Ludwik Kowalczyk
28. Hal Avery
29. Morgan Wiltshire
30. Nathan Slater
31. Daniel Catalogna

+ 8 mini boys

1. Joshua Madine
2. Matthew Jansen
3. Matthew Madine
4. Sam Wiggin
5. Alessandro Mackinnon-Botti
6. Alexander Montoro
7. Camden Stewart
8. Nathaniel Brawn (piano/keyboard player at concert, not ex-Libera)
9. Liam Connery (Bye-waving at the end)

Keyboard – Robert Prizeman, Sam Coates

*I’ve watched again and again though, I’m sorry if someone is missing in the list above.

The concert was so impressive. It brought me to tears from the beginning seeing them sing ‘apart but together’. Massive thank you to Libera boys, Robert Prizeman, staffs and boys’ families for a brilliant work in such a difficult time.

We fans could watch the concert (kind of) at the same time from many different places on the globe ‘apart but together’ too, and felt like we were connected. It was absolutely fantastic moment and made my day!

Good news from Libera – Apart But Together EP will be released on 26th June!

So, to show your gratitude for Libera’s hard work, let’s make a donation using JustGiving or PayPal if you can. :)


ブログ書くのシレっと丸3年ぶりだけど、ロックダウンでずっと家にいるんで書いちゃうよ!!! 久々あけたらWordpressの仕様がいろいろ変わっててキャッチアップに時間かかったよ!!!←

いやぁーほんとにリベラさん、このコロナ禍のさなかよくぞやってくだすったよね。ムースのツイート 見たときは絶対オンラインでなんか出してくれると確信してたけども(イギリスのいろんなミュージシャンがロックダウン初期からオンラインやってるので)。まさかこんな豪華にやってくれちゃうとは。


兄さん方の中に一人誰や?!って思った人大多数だと思うけど。彼の名前はNathaniel Brawn、2-3年前からイギリス国内だけでなくUSツアーとかでもピアノ担当しているよ。
昨年フィリピンのときは急遽ロバたんがまさかの欠席で、サムが指揮、ピアノ予定だったじょすおさんがサム位置へ、だもんで彼がピアノ弾きに飛んできた、よっっ身軽男子!( ̄▽ ̄)ノ


え、今時フツーなのこれ?? 家にこんなんあるのはYouTuberくらいかと思ってたわ。このために買ったのかな? あ、それとも彼らYouTuber?



ダニエルのソロで始まる Total Praise。ロバたんのピアノ姿もチラリんこ。画面が引きになって激スマイルのましゅおでわぁぁってなってたらサムもふぁんたじすたもじょすおも出てきてほろ涙。歌い継いでいるのを見るといつもジーンとするわ(/∀\*)

逸材ルカ様の Deep Peace。この日の昼間にこれのPV(ステフ)見てて、今なら絶対ルカで聴きたいって思ってたところにコレ!! 私の想い伝わった?(伝わってない)んまぁぁーー素晴らしい。澄みきってるわ。2番はCVリレーぐっじょぶ。

もう音楽家って感じのドムソロ O For the Wings。圧巻。ボーイソプラノってどういうの?って聞かれたらこれを聴かせよう。なんだろ、聴いてると背筋が伸びる感じ。

絶好調タイグの Ave Maria。6年前のNYCコンサで初だったシューベルトのAve Maria、その時はガントムの崇高な歌声にまじで滝涙だったのは今でも強烈に覚えてる。それとはちょっと違って、タイグのなんか儚げな歌声もまたガツーーンとくるねぇ。

ビクター安定の二ヤりずむ Smile。毎度こっちも笑顔になれるやつ。画面の向こう側でみんな笑顔になってたに違いない(*´∀`)人(´∀`*)

とぅんとぅんとぅんとぅんとぅんとぅんとぅんとぅん♪ Joyful Joyful、最後に全員参加、ロバもサムもダブルでキーボード。やっぱこの曲はわくわく度抜群よね!! ちみっこたちみんなフツーのTシャツ。白フードT支給される前にロックダウンになったのかな。モントロ兄貴とカムデンがフードつきの着てるのがなんか微笑ましかった♥



「いつものコンサートに全員は出れないので、ステージ上以外にもメンバーがいます。一緒にツアーできない先輩もいます。後でミニボーイズも初コンサ参加します。ほとんどの子は7歳です。まさにちょうど2年前のイーリーが僕の初コンサートでした。」←実際初コンサはその前のWestminster Cだけど。てか初レギュラーメンバーコンサで堂々初ソロ(The Prayer)デビューでどよめいたよね(`・ω・´)


「次の2曲はほぼほぼソロです。最初はドミニクの O For the Wings、これはレコードが作られ始めた約百年前にロンドンでEarnest Loveというクワイアボーイによって初めてレコーディングされた曲です。600万枚も売れちゃって超有名になりました。ここに1こあるんですよ、78回転と呼ばれるやつ。絶対落とすなよって言われてるんでもう置いときます。」
「その後にタイグがAve Maria歌います。でもその前に、タイグがあるセレブを紹介します。」←めっちゃかんでるけどいんとろでゅーでゅーす。爆


ドムはおうちで歌のレコーディング♪(Dominik Clarke Music


いやいやいやーーー、25分もないミニコンサートだけど、内容濃くていつものコンサと同じくらい楽しかったよー!!! みんなが’Apart but Together’離れてるけど一緒に歌って、私たちファンも世界中から’Apart but Together’離れてるけど一緒に観て、なんか嬉しいなこういうの。

JustGiving or PayPal

Choristers List

リストの中のNEWBIESの写真はLibera Passionが更新してくれてます。
Libera Newbies 2019 @LiberaPassion

ではでは、またブログに気が向く日まで~( ̄▽ ̄)ノ


Filed under 2020 Online, in English, in Japanese, Videos

Special interview “Libera – where the harmony originates”

Libera in Japan 2017 Photo by Daisuke Akita
Hi everyone! I haven’t written my blog such a long time… The last one was 17 months ago! I didn’t write about the tours and concerts I went to last year at all. Oops. Sorry.
(I’ve updated my Facebook page: Libera (Japan) – リベラ and Twitter: @DearLibera so please check those regularly. :D)

But I should write about the latest Libera’s tour in my country before I leave Japan!

Angel Voices Tour 2017 “Hope”

So, the first one is about a special interview with Libera by Libera Records. I’ve translated the article as it’s all in Japanese.

Special interview “Libera – where the harmony originates” vol.1
Link to the original article:

Interviewer: I’m going to interview with Sam Coates and Steven Geraghty, who performed on the stage as Libera boys on their first Japan Tour in 2005. Sam and Steven, you two have worked on the new album “Hope” as a producer/assistant producer with Robert Prizeman, haven’t you?

Sam: Yes, we know the sound of the boys’ voices and have a shared image of the various sounds coming from the combination of their voices through our experience of singing in Libera for a long time and working with Robert. The boys are different ages and have their own voices, so that leads to making new arrangements and new ideas for songs.

Interviewer: What do you pay attention to when making a chorus?

Steven: If we needed to take a balance, we should keep the unique Libera sound even when trying a new style of song. Diverse musical sensibilities can be brought to the group as many of the Libera old boys participate in creative process.

Interviewer: Sam, you have made the arrangements for Smile, From a Distance, Wayfaring Stranger?

Sam: Smile and From a Distance became more Libera-like in the end after getting advice from Robert and Steven. We revised it listening to their singing when the recording. It’s just the result of our team-work.

Interviewer: What do you think about the current Libera compared to when you were members?

Steven: Libera has always been improved. Boys aged 8 or 9 can join their first tour/concert nowadays. So the sound is a bit different from when we were members. There used to be only 17 or 18 boys on the stage to perform 10 years ago, but now it’s 25 to 30. That makes many more harmonies on the stage.

Interviewer: 20 boys were on the last tour in 2015, now 25 boys are on this tour, that’s why the sound is wider.

Sam: I think so, yes. The current Libera has a fresh and exciting sound, which is well blended. If there was the same thing as before, I would say that the boys always help each other to memorise the songs and their positions, they cooperate to develop the skill of reading music sheets, listening to each other and dealing with various situations. Team-work like this is absolutely essential for Libera.

Libera in Japan 2017 Photo by Daisuke Akita

Steven Geraghty

Libera in Japan 2017 Photo by Daisuke Akita

Sam Coates

Special interview “Libera – where the harmony originates” vol.2
Link to the original article:

Comments from some of the Libera boys and a brief report of this tour.

The soloist of “Salve Regina”, Rocco Tesei: We had never sung this song, so the recording was a good experience. We used the experience to help the acting for the music video.

The soloists of “Smile”, Gabriel Collins and Alessandro Mackinnon-Botti: “Smile” is a really amazing piece mixing lots of harmonies. Gabriel’s soft and clear voice is perfect for this song. He says he really enjoys singing this song as it makes him smile a lot. It could be the best song ever amongst Libera’s songs. The music video filming was memorable as well.

The soloist of “Dreaming of Home”, Camden Stewart: This song is absolutely filled with hope. It is sung that a lonely man is living alone and is hoping to get a peaceful and quiet place someday. I personally think that the harmonies in each verse bring a silence.

The soloist of “From a Distance” and “Angele Dei”, Alexander Montoro: “From a Distance” is a song about the peace of the world. It is lovely to sing surrounded by harmonies. I think the catchy melody is very nice. “Angele Dei” is a great song too. It was fun to sing in front of the 3D camera. I like that it has a bit of a dark atmosphere.

The soloist of “Venite Adoremus”, Merlin Brouwer: “Venite Adoremus” is a very exciting song. I feel a great joy singing this song. I like the fresh and pure sense in a back ground.

The soloist of “Wayfaring Stranger”, Alexander Gula: There’re a lot of highlights in this song, and I’m enjoying all the bits. It’s very exciting to sing the last verse at the centre of the stage, and it’s more exciting when singing with a live orchestra. It’s a really great song.

The soloist of “Stabat Mater” and “Hymn to Mary”, Isaac London: “Stabat Mater” means a song for remembering the Virgin Mary, it’s like “Hymn to Mary”. These 2 songs were special as the Virgin Mary is very important for Catholic church. “Stabat Mater” was very difficult to sing but enjoyable. “Hymn to Mary” is in English, so I could sing the lyrics properly with music, and thought this song was light and easy to sing.
Although Isaac London was the soloist of “Angel” and “Jupiter” in the album “Hope”, his voice has begun to change, he takes the low part on this tour.

In this tour, a photo session was held for the first time – ‘Special event for commemoration of issuing LIBERA T-card 〜autograph & photo session〜’. The boys enjoyed the photo shooting with fans saying “Su-shi—-♪” instead of “Cheese!” in Tokyo on the 28th of May.

Libera in Japan 2017 Photo by Daisuke Akita

Say “Su-shi—-!”

Mao Asada, who produced and performed “Jupiter” with Libera last year, came to the concert in Tokyo on the 30th of May. She enjoyed it and visited the Libera boys after the concert. They took a picture with a smile. (Did they say “Su-shi——♪” with Mao too??)
Libera in Japan 2017 Photo by Daisuke Akita

With Mao Asada

Libera moved to Osaka on the 31st of May. They went to the Universal Studios Japan, which they did for a collaboration with “Universal Wonder Christmas” in 2015, and enjoyed their free-time there. On the 2nd of June, they did the final concert at the Grand Cube Osaka.
Libera in Japan 2017 Photo by Libera

Libera in USJ



ま、とにかくさ、Hopeサイコーだよね~~ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ←




リベラOB サムC、スティへのインタビュー


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Filed under 2017 Japan, Hope, in English, in Japanese, Photos

Libera with Mao Asada

The 1st Libera news of 2016 from Libera Records is…

*…drum roll…*


Libera will be coming back and singing in Japan, for Mao Asada at NHK Trophy Figure Skating Special Exhibition on this Saturday!! flag_japan_s
Yayyy!! What a surprise!!
Well, should I say “Mao Asada with Libera” as I’m a big fan of her?? :P
No, “Libera with Mao Asada” is right because I’m a SUPER fan of Libera! Hehe

She has performed “Jupiter” with Libera’s “I Vow to Thee” some times since before as her exhibition programme. This time she will be performing a new version of Jupiter with Libera! Looking forward to seeing how the new version looks/sounds like. ;D

Her “Jupiter” in 2012 – “I Vow to Thee” (solo: Michael H.)

The show will be broadcasted worldwide by NHK World Premium, so you can watch it live even if you’re not in Japan. :)
・Saturday 9th January, 19:30 – 20:55 (JST)

I know it’s actually very hard to travel between UK & Japan twice in such a short time, so I’m a bit worried about their physical condition… But we’re very happy to be able to see/hear Libera again. :) Seems not all the boys but some of them will be coming again very soon. Guess who missed the M&G in Tokyo…? ;)))

Luckily I’m going to see the show! Because I’m a BIG fan of figure skating as well, been a fan for nearly 17 years especially of Evgeni Plushenko (Russian)! So I’m really excited to be there and see it live! Only 4 days to go! Woop woop! xD

公式アナウンス: 「TV出演情報

テレビ中継世界同時配信だそうで。さすがNHK (`・ω・´)b
・NHKBS1:2016年1月9日(土) 午後6:00~午後7:15(75分)
・NHK総合:2016年1月9日(土) 午後7:30~午後8:55(85分)


真央ちゃんは以前からリベラのI Vow to Theeでエキシビやってるけども。
だからコンサで「マヨ(←)アサーダ」からのI Vow to Theeだったわーけーね。
誰がくるかなー? 東京ファンミにいなかった子たちかなー?( ̄∀ ̄)

(アタシの一番好きなプルのネ申プログラム→ “Tribute to Vaclav Nijinsky”
どんだけ豪華な顔ぶれだっつー♥♥ (詳しくはこちら
アタシも世界同時配信に映りこんでたらおせーてね( ̄▽ ̄)ぶ


リベラ(Libera Records) ちぇっくちぇっくよー!!!(ノ゜▽゜)ノ


Filed under 2015 Japan, in English, in Japanese, Official Info, Others, TV Appearances

Libera Japan Tour 2015 – Day #1 USJ

Libera USJ concert 20th December 2015

Just 4 months after the Christmas in Summer at USJ, Libera came to Japan again on real Christmas time! flag_japan_s

First of all, I really thank to the boys’ parents for sending their children to Japan on Christmas time. I was actually so surprised when I first heard that Libera would be coming and doing concerts on 21st & 23rd December. Because I know that the Christmas is very important for them, it’s just same as that New Year’s Day is important for us Japanese. Normally they spend Christmas time (holiday) with family. So I knew they had to rush on 24th to get home before 25th no matter what! (thank to the 9-hour time difference!) Think it’s just like we have to work till New Year’s Eve….. oh dear… So thank you Libera boys & team! :)

Day #1 of Japan Tour 2015, they did a mini concert at Universal Studios Japan. As you know, the new song “Angel” has tied up with USJ’s Christmas night show.
USJ 20122015_00

There’s a USJ limited edition of the mini album “天使のくれた奇跡”, which has a photo booklet. Of course I got them as well! Yay! :D
USJ 20122015_01 USJ 20122015_02 USJ 20122015_03

When I arrived around the area for the show & concert at 11am, more than 50 people were already queuing up! I took this at 1pm, 4 hours before the gate opened.

Afterwards, like this → Tweet @DearLibera
Patrick from France was amazed by the people queuing orderly without fences and said “it never happens in Paris!” lol Very proud of it! Hehe ;)

The show “Universal Wonder Christmas – The Voice of an Angel” was really fantastic! A girl sings “Angel” both in English & Japanese, and “Angel Orchestral ver.” is used in the show. Music, projection mapping, dance performance, Drone, lights, fireworks… all worked together very well! I liked it so much. :D
(You can watch the whole show if you like: HERE)
USJ 20122015_05 USJ 20122015_06

After the show, it was Libera time! :D
Muramatsu-san came up to the stage to talk some. He said he was so moved when he first saw the show, and he was proud that he could make this piece with Libera & USJ as a musician. Yeah, we Japanese fans are all very proud of you too, Muramatsu-san!! xD
USJ 20122015_07

RP, right before the concert started! :)
USJ 20122015_08

And the boys! :D
USJ 20122015_09

They sang 5 songs:
1. Joy to the World
2. Carol of the Bells
3. Sanctus
4. Song of Life
5. Angel

22 boys were on this tour:
1. Marc Alvares
2. Leo Barron
3. Ciaran Bradbury-Hickey
4. Merlin Brouwer
5. Ben Bywater
6. Gabriel Collins
7. Tadhg Fitzgerald
8. Alex Gula
9. Adam Izghouti
10. Matthew Jansen
11. Timothy Lee
12. Isaac London
13. Alessandro Mackinnon-Botti
14. Alex Montoro
15. Oliver Mycka
16. Cassius O’connell-White
17. Taichi Shinokubo
18. Camden Stewart
19. Rocco Tesei
20. Joseph Walshe
21. Sam Wiggin
22. Lucas Wood

Can hear a bit of Joy to the World, COTB, Ciaran & Taichi’s speech, Angel :)

Song of Life (solo: Ciaran) & Angel (solo: Isaac)

Some photos in Conpetti’s article: HERE

The first complete outdoor-concert went well! Actually they did sort of ‘outdoor-concert’ at Disneyland CA in 2009 though, that was so warm and had a roof. This time, no roof, no sun, just so cold! We wore a lot of clothes and were excited, so didn’t feel cold that much, but the boys must have been cold in the white robe. Hope they had HEATTECH (by UNIQLO) under the robe… :P
Anyway, seemed lots of people enjoyed the show and Libera’s concert. It was great to hear that a fan of the USJ’s shows (not Libera fan) liked Libera’s singing and bought the CD! And I was glad to get to hear “Angel” live finally. This day would be one of my unforgettable Libera memories! ;D

Thank you, Libera and USJ!!! xD
リベラクリスマス in じぱんぐの件いくぜよ!!!\(゜▽゜)/ふぉーーー

まず、記憶に新しい8月の 「Christmas in Summer at USJ


はぃ、そのためだけに東京から参上しますたよヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノむふふ




Merry Christmasのプロジェクションの中、ロバたん&リベラっこソロっと登場。


だから来年こそはユニバクリスマスCM(リベラそんぐ) は全国放送で!!

・ユニバコンサについての記事 – コンフェティ

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Filed under 2015 Japan, 2015 USJ, Angel 天使のくれた奇跡, Angel 天使のくれた奇跡, in English, in Japanese, Photos, Videos

Libera Christmas in Summer at USJ

Libera Christmas in Summer at USJ_5th August 2015 @LiberaRecords

As you know, Libera did a Christmas concert at Universal Studios Japan on the 5th of August!!!flag_japan_s

This concert was a world premiere for a new song, which is the 4th time collaboration with Muramatsu-san. The first one “Far Away” and the 3rd one “Song of Life” were used as a theme song of USJ’s Christmas event TV advertisement for the last 4 years.
And this year, the new song will tie up with USJ’s Christmas night show! Woop woop! :D
*Universal Studios Japan’s page – HERE

20 boys travelled all the way from COOL London! Welcome to HOT Japan! ;D

– Marc Alvares
– Shay Balsekar
– Ciaran Bradbury-Hickey
– Merlin Brouwer
– Gabriel Collins
– Kavana Crossley
– Thomas Delgado-Little
– Alex Gula
– Matthew Jansen
– Timothy Lee
– Isaac London
– Alessandro MacKinnon-Botti
– Michael Menezes
– Alex Montoro
– Oliver Mycka (youngest boy)
– Cassius O’Connell-White
– Taichi Shinokubo
– Camden Stewart
– Sam Wiggin
– Lucas Wood

Libera Japan Official has kindly reported about the boys’ staying in Japan and the concert on their Facebook page – リベラ(Libera Records)
All is in Japanese, so I’m translating them into English. :)

・Saturday, 1st August at 11:11(JST)
“Hi, Libera fans! The boys arrived in Osaka safely! They all are good!”
Libera USJ_01 @LiberaRecords

・Saturday, 1st August at 11:21(JST)
“Off to their hotel from Kansai International airport!”
Libera USJ_02 @LiberaRecords

・Sunday, 2nd August at 1:38(JST)
“After they arrived at hotel, they had lunch and swimming to refresh! They experienced a local train in Osaka as well. Kavana & Cassius were still small when they last came to Japan 3 years ago, but now they’ve much grown and look after younger boys!”

・Sunday, 2nd August at 1:47(JST)
“The first-ever Japanese Libera boy, Taichi. He was interested in ‘plastic food’ at a restaurant they had dinner, so took a picture with it. It’s very kind of him to interpret when the boys order!”
Libera USJ_08 @LiberaRecords

・Sunday, 2nd August at 1:52(JST)
“Today, the 1st of August, is birthday of Sam Coates & Lucas! And the 4th of August is Ciaran’s birthday! So they celebrated them with a small Bday cake. They naturally sang Happy Birthday song with beautiful harmony! Yes, that’s Libera!”
Libera USJ_09 @LiberaRecords

・Sunday, 2nd August at 1:58(JST)
“Today’s last post. Introducing former Libera member – Sam Coates, Josh Madine and Steven Geraghty! They’ve been helping Libera as staff for a long time. Josh’s smile hasn’t changed since the old days, yeh?”
Libera USJ_10 @LiberaRecords
They saw the sights of Osaka on Sunday. Maybe Libera Official would share the photos of it soon. ;)
They rehearsed with Muramatsu-san at the venue on Monday, then seemed they enjoyed USJ. It was very very hot and humid there so I was worried if they got sick though, they looked ok. :)

On the concert day, unfortunately I couldn’t make it as I’m still in London, but my mum went there with our lovely Libera-friends. She met and talked with Taichi’s family there after Arundel concert last year. Really proud of Taichi’s debut in Japan! xD
It seemed the concert was a bit shorter than usual, and there was no poster/programme.
The song list:

1. Joy to the World
2. Carol of the Bells
3. Sanctus
(solo: Merlin)
4. Exultate (solo: Tom)
5. Song of Life (Solo: Isaac, Piano: Muramatsu-san)


6. Orinoco Flow
7. Amazing Grace (solo: Ciaran)
8. The Prayer (Solo: Isaac)
9. What a Wonderful World (Solo: Isaac)
10. Wayfaring Stranger (Solo: Alessandro)
11. Stay With Me (solo: Merlin, High notes: Lucas)
12. Nearer My God To Thee
13. Joyful Joyful
NEW SONG “Angel” (Solo: Isaac, Piano: Muramatsu-san)

Libera Japan Official’s concert report – Libera Official website
(My English translation)

“On a very hot day, Libera’s Japan concert was held for the first time in 3 years!
Libera showed up in front of 400 fans being excited to see them. Beautiful stained glass was displayed in the venue. Once they started singing “Joy to the World”, it made the air cool and the audience was wrapped up in beautiful atmosphere as the concert has been named “Christmas in Summer”.
20 boys were here this time. The former Libera boy Josh, played the piano, Sam Coates and Steven Geraghty helped the stage as sound engineering staff as well. On the stage, the first-ever Japanese member Taichi, interpreted their speeches. At the end of the first half, Ciaran introduced Muramatsu-san, and he played the piano for “Song of Life”.
They sang well-known songs like “Orinoco Flow”, “Amazing Grace” and so on after interval. And at the end of the second half, they sang the new song “Angel”. It started with a beautiful tubular bell’s sound, Isaac sang the solo and the Libera’s ‘angel voices’ with Muramatsu-san’s piano touched everyone’s heart.
Official photos from this concert will be out soon!”

The good news is that some articles and videos of the concert have been published by the press already! Yay! :D

You can hear a full of “Song of Life”. :)

You can hear a part of “Joy to the World”, “Carol of the Bells”, “Sanctus”, “Exultate”, “Song of Life”, and Taichi & Ciaran’s speech. :)

Some more photos – HERE
20 boys & Muramatsu-san :D
Libera Christmas in Summer at USJ_5th August 2015
And the best news is that the new song “Angel” will be released as the 1st single from LIBERA Records this autumn!!! So you also can hear it soon!!! Can’t wait!!! xD

Thank you for coming to Japan, Libera! We Japanese fans had waited to hear/see you in Japan again for long. So very happy to welcome you again. Especially Taichi, you are LOVED and supported by all Japanese fans! Looking forward to seeing you next time! ;D

んであっつーまに帰っていったねヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノプイーン


鼻息がロンドンにまで届いたよ( ̄∀ ̄)ぶ

太一くんママはリベラが日本で人気があるって全然知らなかったってゆう( ̄▽ ̄)

Taichi & Finn at Arundel May 2014
◆Please do not copy this photo. Thank you.◆
秋にはLIBERA Recordsから第1弾シングルとしてCDリリース!!!

たくさんの人がハッピーになってヨカッタヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
リベラっこ達も酷暑の中USJも満喫してったようでヨカッタヨカッタヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
Libera in USJ_5th August 2015

・リベラ日本公式ページ – リベラ(Libera Records)
・王子ブログ – 「Libera Christmas in Summer at USJ」
・その他記事 – USJニュースコンフェティシネマカフェ


Filed under 2015 Japan, 2015 USJ, Angel 天使のくれた奇跡, in English, in Japanese, Photos, Videos